Empower Your Learning Management System with Azure-Powered Virtual Labs


What is CLOVER ?

Clover is a cutting-edge Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that seamlessly integrates with your Learning Management System (LMS) to provide virtual labs powered by Microsoft Azure.

Leveraging the robust Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) service, Clover transforms the way educational institutions and corporate training programs deliver hands-on learning experiences.

Clover Dashboard
The most effective way to launch virtual training labs from your LMS at scale.

Discover the Benefits of CLOVER

Our objective is to thoroughly satisfy your requirements by meeting quality, time and budget constraints….Enjoy  !

  • Offer the ultimate hands-on learning experiences for your learners

    • High-quality virtual labs can be seamlessly incorporated into your learning platform to teach practical skills and to provide interactive and rich hands-on experiences for your learners.

  • Save your time & efforts to integrate practice labs into your LMS

    • Integrating Hands-on labs into your LMS is incredibly easy. You could simply configure the LTI connector in your LMS within five minutes and get immediate access to your virtual labs.

  • Get optimized & cost-effective Cloud based Software Training Labs

    • Bring your own cloud and simply connect it to your LMS through Clover. Get full control of your vlab allocation cost and budgets. You don’t need a dedicated IT team to manage your labs. 

Save Time & Effort to integrate your Cloud

Leave the Cloud configuration tasks to us, just select your Cloud platform and our team will help you integrating your Cloud to Clover-VTL for free

Docker & VM based Hands-on Labs

Clover-VTL is compatible with most Kubernetes Platforms and Openstack Clouds in the market… 

rackspace clover vtl

Happy Customer

Average LABs offered per month

Supported LMS Platforms

Supported Cloud Platforms

Emphasize key advantages of CLOVER-VTL

We offer competitive advantages through our product…!

Easy & Seamless LMS Integration

CLOVER-VTL uses the LTI standard to allow seamless integration with multiple LMS platforms, with minimal effort from instructors or admins.

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Fast & Secure Cloud Integration

Clover-VTL provides a simple and intuitive web interface to integrate and configure the APIs and credentials of your private or public Cloud

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Easy Virtual Labs Management

Manage virtual desktops and containers from a simple interface. Add, modify or delete images, users, groups and courses with one click .

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Analysis & Reporting

Extensive reporting about everything within your VLAB environments. A timeline of all user actions for access to what happened, by whom and when.

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Clover is a powerful SaaS Enterprise ready product covering scalability, high-availability, audit, privacy and enterprise-grade security.

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Premium Support

Get faster responses and personalized help from a dedicated support manager especially regarding the Cloud and LMS integrations in your Clover platform.

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Key Features

Explore the main features of CLOVER…

Multi-LMS Platform Compatibility

Clover-VTL is seamlessly compatible with multi-LMS platforms which are LTI standard-compliant like moodle, edx, canvas, Blackboard, D2L, Sakai, WordPress based LMSs...

Collaboration tools

Various tools for collaborative writing and editing, file transfer, and desktop sharing enable teachers to effectively collaborate with the learners.

Bring Your Own Cloud

Simply Integrate your Kubernetes & Openstack based cloud to handle VLABs while ensuring cost-savings, increased productivity and full control over your IT environment

Session recording & Playback

The learner can choose to record remote desktop sessions and watch the recordings back via a HTML 5 web console integrated into Clover.

Advanced VLAB Management

High-quality vLabs can be incorporated into LMS to provide hands-on experiences for students and to allow instructors to teach with the best materials available, regardless of platform.

VLAB usage reporting

The LMS administrator or the teacher can obtain detailed reports per learner that show use of cloud resources during the VLAB session lifetime.

Our teams are here to help you

They’ll get you up and running in no time, answer your questions, and help you integrating your Cloud and LMS platforms into Clover-VTL